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EchoScript Extension

When you need to implement complex logic, you can write EchoScript extensions in ANY programming language, such as JavaScript, Python, Java, Go, etc.

EchoScript uses function exec to run extensions in a very convenient way.

exec(name, args...) => string/map/error

You can use function is_error to check whether the value is error or not.
The return value of exec depends on the output of the command.

cmd outputcmd exit codeexec return value
json {...}0map
not json {...}0string
any!= 0error

The name argument is the command in $PATH, or absolute file path to the command.
The args argument type can be string|file|map|array.
The map|array arguments are transformed to json file automatically.

args argument typeactual command argument
mapjson file path
arrayjson file path
filefile path


Example 1

Use python to generate uuid and base64. Create a Map Rule with following settings:

MapLocal, GET, Equals, Enabled ✅

on_response := func(env, res) {
// cmd output is json, and exec returns a map
r := exec("python3", "~/", "Hello, EchoProxy")
return {
body: {
"uuid": r.uuid,
"exec": r

Content of python file ~/

import base64
import uuid
import json
import sys
a = "Hello World"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
a = sys.argv[1]
b = base64.b64encode(str.encode(a))
x = {
"input": a,
"base64": bytes.decode(b),
"uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()),
# convert x into json, print to stdout

Visit the URL again, the new response body data:

"exec": {
"base64": "SGVsbG8sIEVjaG9Qcm94eQ==",
"input": "Hello, EchoProxy",
"uuid": "3dcf7b92-bdb0-4363-812c-eb17bd53d94a"
"uuid": "3dcf7b92-bdb0-4363-812c-eb17bd53d94a"

You can see exec log on Tab Log.

EchoScript Log

Example 2

When you want to pass more information to exec command, you can use map as argument. Create a Map Rule with following settings:

MapLocal, GET, Equals, Enabled ✅

on_response := func(env, res) {
// the last argument is a map, and exec returns a map
r := exec("python3", "~/", {
"name": "EchoProxy",
"version": "1.0.0"
return {
body: r

exec automatically transform map argument to a file with to_file function, the command can read the file and decode the content as json.

"name": "EchoProxy",
"version": "1.0.0"

Content of python file ~/ It loads the first argument as a json file.

import json
import sys
def main():
# load json file argv[1]
a = load_json(1, {})
x = {
"input": a,
"name": a.get("name"),
# convert x into json, print to stdout
# load json file argv[index], return dict
def load_json(index, default):
file_name = sys.argv[index]
f = open(file_name, "r")
content =
return json.loads(content)
return default
# run main function

Visit the URL again, the new response body data:

"input": {
"name": "EchoProxy",
"version": "1.0.0"
"name": "EchoProxy"

You can see exec log on Tab Log.

EchoScript Log


You can write extensions in JavaScript with Node.js.

Create an example Map Rule with following settings:

MapLocal, GET, Equals, Enabled ✅

on_response := func(env, res) {
// convert map to file
arg_file := to_file({
"name": "EchoProxy",
"version": "1.0.0"
// exec returns a map
r := exec("node", "~/use_json.js", arg_file)
print("name: ",
return {
body: r

Content of JavaScript file ~/use_json.js. It loads the second argument as a json file.

const fs = require('node:fs');
function main() {
let a = load_json(2, {})
let x = {
"input": a,
"name": a["name"] + " " + a["version"],
// load json file argv[index], return object
function load_json(index, default_val) {
try {
let file_name = process.argv[index];
let data = fs.readFileSync(file_name);
return JSON.parse(data)
} catch (e) {
return default_val
// run main function

Visit the URL again, the new response body data:

"input": {
"name": "EchoProxy",
"version": "1.0.0"
"name": "EchoProxy 1.0.0"

You can see exec log on Tab Log.

EchoScript Log